Need For Speed 2 Codes
Need For Speed 2 Playstation Codes
Type the following codes in the password entry screen (select Options and
then Password):
LILZIP = Ford Indigo bonus car
SHOTME = Monolithic Studios: Hollywood bonus track ("showtime"...)
POWRUP = upgrades all cars to Pioneer engines - makes them go
faster, and gives them better acceleration, handling, etc.
To race in any of the 9 camera views normally only available during replays:
select Race, then press and hold L1, L2, R1, R2, V, J, D, and 5, until the
race begins. You can now select from 9 different camera views instead of 4.
These codes are very cool -- they let you drive the civilian cars. Enter them at
the password entry screen.
ARMYME = Mercedes Unimog army truck
BEETME car with sunroof
BNZME Mercedes-Benz
BUGME = Volkswagen Beetle
CITME Citro�n 2CV
JEPME = Commanche pick-up truck
LCME = Toyota Landcruiser
MAZME = Mazda Miata
QUATME = Audi Quattro
SEMIME = truck cab
SNOWME = snow truck (similar to ARMYME)
VANME = Volkswagen Combi van
VOVME = Volvo stationwagon
YJME = Jeep YJ
BUSME = school bus
CRATME = wooden crate
CITUME = ???
LIMOME = limousine
LOGME = wooden log
OUTHME = outhouse
TRAMME = Monolithic Studios tram (tourbus)
TREXME = Tyrannosaurus-Rex
WAGOME = "Wild west"-style wagon
Need For Speed 2 PC Codes
Go to the credits, and type:
Bus = drive a bus!
vwbug = drive a VW bug!
Semi = dirve a semi!
Miata = drive a miata!
Mercedes = drive a Mercedes!
volvo = drive a Volvo!
vwfb = Drive a VW FASTBACK
bmw = Drive a BMW!
armytruck = drive a army truck!
limo = drive a limo!
vanagon = Drive a little Volks Wagon van!
jeepyj = Drive a Jeep!
landcruiser = Drive a Toyota Landcruiser!
quattro = Drive a Audi Quattro!
commanche = Drive a Commanche pick up truck!
pioneer = gives all cars pioneer engines!(faster)
slip = Makes the track slipery